ADHD Black

We are here to bring ADHD coaching to the Black Community. The ADHD Black Professionals Alliance is organizing now, and we’d love to have you join us.

In partnership with the Community Hero Action Group, we are fundraising for our launch and start-up expenses! Please contribute and be a part of building this much needed space for professionals who serve Black people with ADHD.

Help fund the Alliance!



There is a movement underway.  Black people around the world are waking up to the realization that the impacts of mental health, ADHD and brain based conditions is more than they can handle alone.  Many are searching for answers but aren’t easily finding what they need.  They need education, they need impactful strategies, and they need to see people who look like them as a resource for their journey forward.

We are looking to stand in the gap of that need.  We are here to bring ADHD coaching to the Black Community.  ADHD Black Professionals Alliance is organizing now, and we’d love to have you join us.

Please leave your name, phone number and email address below to be added to our waitlist.  We’ll be sending out more information soon and the people on this list will be our founding members, qualifying you for this exclusive member tier.

Let’s get Black people coached!

Join the Waitlist


The ADHD Black Professionals Alliance is a membership group for Black professionals, who work with Black people who have ADHD. Our mission is to provide education, impactful strategies and resources for our members as they work to improve the lives of Black people with ADHD. The Alliance provides:

✅ Resources for your work with your clients or patients
✅ An opportunity to share your own experiences and expertise with the group.
✅Education and Training modules on ADHD, and working with the Black community.
✅ A private forum where you can connect with other members.
✅ A directory of Black ADHD Professionals
✅ Scholarship and job opportunities

The International Black ADHD Coaches Association-2


The International Black ADHD Coaches Association (6)

Our mission is to provide education, impactful strategies, resources, and community for our members as they work to improve the lives of Black people with ADHD. Our group is growing rapidly and we would love to have you join us. 

~ IngerShaye Colzie, LSW, MCW

Enjoy A Freebie On Me!

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