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About Inger Shaye

Do you know the story of the duck? I used to be a duck myself, always seeming to glide along the water effortlessly going to and fro, but all the while my feet were paddling wildly underneath. It was exhausting. The truth is that the duck is overwhelmed.
Overwhelm comes from a variety of things. A big one is feeling misunderstood. If you feel your friends and family are not supportive enough (or at all) that alone can create a sense of streess and isolation, which is terribly overwhelming. Especially, if all you are trying to do is make everyone happy.
To make matters worse, if you are like me, the people pleasing type, you may be creating stressful situations for yourself without even knowing it! You may have the bad habit of taking on too much, even doing everything yourself simply in order to get it done right (I know, it’s just easier to do it that way)!
But did you know this is actually a type of perfectionism and leads to you beating yourself up unnecessarily?
Why? Because there is no such thing as perfect! (I know you know this intellectually, but trust me, perfectionism disguises itself very easily!) Mastering the art of self-compassion was definitely one of the things that changed everything and has made a huge difference in my life.
It wasn’t until I worked with a coach who helped me connect these dots in my own world that I was finally able to stop the constant shame and guilt that always seemed to spiral out of control (I was so sick and tired of it all).
Trust me, there was nothing I hadn’t already tried: writing lists, overcompensating (MORE exhausting) and even withdrawing. Playing small so as to not “mess up” is simply no way to live.
Today, I can appreciate the road I was on, that life of a duck. Because now I help people who struggle just as I did!
Obviously, a coach offers a level of support unlike any other relationship you have, because I not only relate but educate as we work together. Just learning about ADHD in a personal way can make a tremendous difference in your life. Learning the skills (the tools) that you can use in any situation forever changes how you look at things, which in turn change the choices you make.
If you are ready to flip the script and partner in accountability and strategic alliance, let’s talk about how coaching may be the powerful experience you are ready for!
IngerShaye Colzie is an executive coach and licensed psychotherapist. Founder of Alchemy Coaching and Counseling, Ingershaye is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and overcome any obstacle that comes before them.
What Can I Do for You?
There are a couple of ways for you to work with me.
I’m a public speaker that offers workshops on personal development and leadership training. I also work within organizations as a corporate coach, coaching staff and management one-on-one.
Workshops include:
- ADHD in the workplace
- Diversity in Neurodiversity
- ADHD Energy Management
- Black Women with ADHD: Frazzled but still Fabulous
I also coach individuals privately, both in-person or remotely, over the phone or online using Zoom.
Reach out and share what your need are and together we will craft a package that satisfies your needs.
I can help you figure out what kind of therapy or training is right for you.
First step is to book a call with me so that we can discuss your unique situation.
I felt overwhelmed and disorganized, worried I was an imposter. Would people figure out just how out of control I was? I just couldn’t figure out how to get the important stuff done. Then I discovered that I have ADHD and my whole world began to make sense. Once I realized the true impact of my ADHD and how it was inhibiting my ability to make a rich and fulfilling life, I took back control.
Instead of shying away, as I had in the past, I learned everything I could about the condition. I became an expert in all areas related to effective management of ADHD and dug into related areas to create positive and sustained change. My transformation has been so powerful that I made it my mission to teach others with ADHD how to have more successful and effortless lives too. This is how I came to be an ADHD Coach as well as a Transformational Leadership Coach.
Need Advice?
As a therapist, coach, or consultant, I work with all types of people on all types of challenges.